Welcome to Divine Craft Prologue! This is a proof of concept (prototype) for a game I've been wanting to make forever. The game is a simple turn-based RPG with an added crafting element. Defeat monsters to obtain materials, and craft weapons and items to become stronger. 

I have a written guide and game explanation made in-game if you want to learn the in-depth fundamentals of how to play. Otherwise, the Quick Start Guide on the main page can help you get started. The game is controlled entirely by buttons on screen. There is no keyboard support. 

I made this game by myself over the summer in 2023 using HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS. I was inspired by games like Slay the Spire, Pokemon, and turn-based RPGs in general. The Prologue includes 3 classes that each have their own story and experience. The only class that is fully complete is the Knight. I recommend playing the Knight first. If you want more of a challenge give the Hunter a try. The Hunter is not fully balanced and complete like how the Knight is but still offers a complete enough experience. The Sorcerer class is also incomplete, and far less playable than the Hunter. I suggest only playing the Sorcerer if you want a sneak peek at the Magic class of weapons.


Game design and programming done by me.

Game audio comes from soundbible.com which provides free-to-use sounds.

Some of the images and art used were created using AI while others come from various sites I am unable to credit.

*The assets used in this prototype version are placeholders and do not reflect the final look of the game. I do not intend on monetizing this version.

The Future of Divine Craft:

Although this version of Divine Craft is discontinued and no longer in development, I hope to one day remake the game in a new engine/platform like Unity or Godot. The current state of the game is playable by all means, but I want to improve on many aspects. I understand there is a level of jank with some of the mechanics like crafting and inventory management. These are two very important areas of the game I want to work on. I do not have any socials at the moment. I am really just putting this out here for myself and anyone who comes across it with the slightest bit of interest. Thank you for taking the time to check it out.

Any feedback is appreciated.

Updated 9 days ago
Published 17 days ago
GenreRole Playing
TagsCrafting, Fantasy, Pixel Art, Prototype, Roguelike, Singleplayer, Turn-based, Turn-based Strategy
Average sessionAbout a half-hour

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